Run Your Story Podcast
Where Every Story Needs to be Heard! Runners and walkers are interviewed to tell their run/walk stories, share fun memories, and provide great advice for those interested in this sport!
Run Your Story Podcast
Kathy Smith - Bras Across the Causeway
Bras Across the Causeway is a charity run organized by Kathy Smith. The event was inspired by a conversation she had with radio host Matt McCoy in 2016 about finding a way to give back to the community and support breast cancer patients. They came up with the idea of a 5k run with a unique twist: stringing bras across the causeway. They started collecting donated bras and have amassed thousands of them, which they string up during the event to raise awareness for their cause.
The money raised from the race entry fees goes into an account to support breast cancer patients' needs, such as gas, groceries, housing, clothing, daycare, and even covering copays and special medical tests. The funds are managed by the Providence Foundation, which works closely with patients to understand their unique needs.
The race day is a lively and heartwarming event, featuring a survivor tent, a survivor walk, a 5k run, a one-mile run, and various vendors, including Cammie's Old Dutch ice cream and Hall's sausage. The event is a celebration of community support and a testament to the power of people coming together to help those affected by breast cancer. It's grown in popularity over the years and continues to positively impact the local community.
Kathy Smith - https://www.facebook.com/kathy.b.smith.39
Races Mentioned
Bras Across the Causeway https://www.brasacrossthecauseway.org/
Boo Krewe 2 https://runyourstory.com/event/boo-krewe-2-2023/
The Hot Trot at LuLu's https://coast360.com/events/lulu%E2%80%99s-hot-trot/
Shout Outs
Matt McCoy https://www.facebook.com/matt.mccoy3
Jim Brogan
Lone Palm Parrot Head Society https://lonepalmfoundation.org/
Parrot Heads in Paradise Meeting of the Minds https://phip.com/meeting-of-the-minds/
Providence Foundation - https://www.facebook.com/providencehospitalfoundation/
Keely Wall
Josh Foster https://www.facebook.com/joshua.foster.3382
Carrie https://www.facebook.com/TheCookeryMobile/
Courtney with Sunshine Communications
Panini Pete Foundation https://www.prfoundation.net/
Pete Blohme https://www.facebook.com/chefpaninipete
Jody Blohme https://www.facebook.com/jblohme
Nick DiMario https://www.facebook.com/nick.dimario.94
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