Run Your Story Podcast
Where Every Story Needs to be Heard! Runners and walkers are interviewed to tell their run/walk stories, share fun memories, and provide great advice for those interested in this sport!
Run Your Story Podcast
Jodi Blohme - "Active against cancer"
Jodi shares her inspirational journey from not only finding a passion in running but using it as a force to help her fight breast cancer.
The episode delves into her transformation into a dedicated runner, recounting her first experiences with short runs that gradually evolved into completing marathons, including a memorable Disney marathon.
The narrative beautifully highlights her battles, including an impactful breast cancer diagnosis in 2018, combating it under the motto 'Active Against Cancer.'
Jodi emphasizes the support from her loving husband and an incredible running community that helped her thrive through adversity.
Throughout, she advocates for living life to the fullest and supporting impactful organizations like Bras Across the Causeway, which directly aid breast cancer patients.
Jodi's story is about overcoming obstacles, the healing power of running, and fostering a supportive community.
Jodi Blohme - https://www.facebook.com/jblohme
Races Mentioned
Bras Across the Causeway - https://www.brasacrossthecauseway.org/
Crawfish Zydeco 5k in Gulf Shores - https://www.raceentry.com/zydeco-crawfish-festival-5k/race-information
Spring Fever Chase 10k - https://raceroster.com/events/2024/83547/spring-fever-chase-2024
Battleship 12k - https://www.battleship12k.com/
Holiday Half Marathon - https://portcitypacers.com/holiday-half-marathon/
Christmas Night of Lights 5k - https://productionsbylittleredhen.com/raceinfo_s.asp?raceid=cnol21
Hot Chocolate 5k - https://hotchocolate15k.com/
Houston Rodeo Race - https://runsignup.com/Race/TX/Houston/HoustonRodeoRun
Disney Marathon - https://www.rundisney.com/events/disneyworld/disneyworld-marathon-weekend/
Mississippi Half Marathon - https://www.mississippigulfcoastmarathon.com/
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer - https://secure.acsevents.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=strides_msabc
The Donna Marathon - https://breastcancermarathon.com/donna-marathon-weekend/
Louisiana Half Marathon - https://www.thelouisianamarathon.com/
Sea Turtle Half Marathon - https://runsignup.com/Race/AL/GulfShores/Sweetheart5kandSeaTurtleHalfMarathon
Shout Outs
Pete Blohme - https://www.facebook.com/chefpaninipete
Kathy Smith - https://www.facebook.com/kathy.b.smith.39
Jeff Galloway - https://www.facebook.com/jeffgallowayfan
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Can't wait to hear Your Run Story!!
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Kristen Rather
Steve Taylor
Mary Trufant
Suzanne Crist
Suzanne Clark
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Sharonda Shula
Nell Gustavson
Meredith Nations
Allyson Swann
Chris Strayhorn